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AccuPoint® Advanced Next Generation

  • Flat tip sampler and RFID technology
  • Touch screen
  • New Data Manager software
  • Surface and zone type labels for sites
  • Customizable threshold levels
  • Smart/random site plans
  • Wireless data transfer via WiFi
  • Neogen Analytics Integration
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Manufacturer : Neogen

Item ID : 700004100



Neogen®’s new AccuPoint® Advanced Next Generation (NG) is a complete sanitation monitoring system comprising a handheld instrument, innovative samplers, and data manager software, designed to verify your cleaning processes by measuring adenosine triphosphate (ATP). After cleaning your environment, measuring the amount of ATP present on a surface or in liquids allows you to verify your cleaning processes have been effective.

The global awareness of sanitation is on the rise and will be for generations to come. Whether you serve the food safety industry, healthcare industry, retail industry, or another — the list is endless — the goal is the same for everyone else: to keep your environment and people safe.

For food manufacturers, verifying a clean environment is vital to the production process. Whether your environmental monitoring program (EMP) is in its early stages of development or seeing its tenth year in action, AccuPoint Advanced NG can make the invisible visible. Providing a robust, consistent, and documented data set for sanitation effectiveness is critical for various prerequisite programs, critical control points, or preventive controls.

AccuPoint Advanced NG is also ideal in the healthcare setting, reducing the risk of environmentally transmitted infections. By verifying your sanitation procedures, you can be confident of your healthcare environment’s cleanliness while lowering the chance of a Hospital Acquired Infections (HAI) outbreak. The AccuPoint Advanced NG instrument has received AOAC PTM approval, an external verification from top industry experts who have stringently reviewed that our system produces consistent and reliable data for evaluating sanitation program effectiveness.
