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AccuPoint Sampler, Surface


  • Unique flat-tip sampler
  • Designed to maximize surface coverage
  • Ensures consistent samples every time
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Manufacturer : Neogen

Item ID : 700002879

$321.42 Available for Auto-Ship


The AccuPoint® Advanced ATP samplers utilizes ATP bioluminescence to determine the cleanliness of test samples. ATP is a chemical compound found in all living cells, including bacteria, food debris, yeast, and mold. Bioluminescence is a chemical reaction that produceslight. ATP bioluminescence occurs when ATP from a sample comes into contact with luciferase, an enzyme found in fireflies, and luciferin, a substrate. The amount of light emitted in this reaction is proportional to the amount of ATP in a sample. After a swab sample is taken, the sampler is pressed into its cartridge, breaking its seal and initiating the mixing of reagents. The reaction takes place within the cartridge, and a detector in the instrument measures the amount of light produced.
